About Team Avery Investments,

My name is Michael Avery Founder and CEO of Team Avery Investments.


I have been working in the Distressed Property market for 26 years.

With me having knowledge of the Four categories listed below:

1). Notice of default

2). Trustee Sale Date

3). Expired Listings

4). Reverse Morgage 

I have always been able to SAVE and /or PURCHASE homes and units.

In this real-estate market you will need an experience and reliable investor who will not tie up your property. But will help you SAVE or PURCHASE your home.

Team Avery Investment consists of investors who buy homes and units in any condition.


         Team Avery Investment also works with experience lenders who can get you financed or refinanced.

Private Lenders who also offer Equity Verification LoansThis Loan; (No appraisal), (No credit report),

(No income information), (No bank statements).


Upon approval, Team Avery Investment litigation members will research diligently to obtain any lost 

documentation needed to close escrow and fund on your mortgage transaction.



   Let Us Help You with Your Mortgage Needs and Wants. 

                                                                                                                                                           Thank You.